Are men or women better leaders?
There are different ways to be an effective leader, making generalising about leadership difficult. Every leader is individual, bringing their own experience, skills and aptitude to their role.
However, while every successful leader will work to their strengths, there are some key differences that can sometimes be found between leaders of different genders.
How do men and women work as leaders, are women or men better leaders, and how can you develop your skills regardless of gender?

Do women lead differently than men?
Research has shown that some female leaders tend to have a different approach to some male leaders. While this is by no means universal, female leaders will often have a more collaborative and interactive approach, building strong relationships in the workplace in order to achieve the desired outcomes. What’s more, women are often perceived as leading in a different way to men by their team members.
Overall, female leaders are believed to show more empathy and emotional intelligence, emphasise organisational and personal transformation, and to have a greater focus on mentorship.
Are women good leaders?
In the past, heavily gendered expectations might have led to the question are women good leaders being asked. Now, with countless examples of outstanding and transformational female leadership across a wide range of industries and fields, it’s firmly established that women are often exceptional leaders. While personal qualities, social expectations, and the way in which men and women are socialised will produce different strengths and weaknesses, gender is no barrier to being a good leader
Are men better leaders?
Historically, it was widely believed that men were better equipped to be leaders. On skills such as decisiveness, authority, and risk-taking, men were regarded as being naturally more adept than women. Research and day to day experience over the decades has shown that this is not always the case, enabling increasing numbers of female leaders to break through the glass ceiling and transform what we look for in a good leader.
So rather than asking, are men or women better leaders, it’s better to ask what combination of qualities make a good leader and how can those be developed in different individuals.
Does gender matter in a good leader?
Gender makes little to no difference in the overall effectiveness of a leader. While there may be differences between how men and women lead, these differences are by no means universal. Effective leaders may have a range of different qualities, whether these are typically understood as being more female or male patterned.
Both males and female leaders can learn from each other, working on key qualities that can help them perform more effectively in their role.
Develop your leadership skills with Leadership Success
At Leadership Success, we have helped men and women achieve their leadership potential. With a tailored, individualised approach to leadership development, we understand that everyone is different, bringing a range of influences, experiences, and qualities to their role.
Our leadership assessment tools enable you to identify your current individual and organisational leadership strengths and training needs. Our experts come from a range of backgrounds, each bringing their own perspective to leadership. With their transformative insight and support, our mentors help leaders achieve their goals.
Contact us to find out more about how we can help your organisation unlock the full potential of your leadership team.