How do you assess your own leadership potential?
One of the hardest aspects of any professional journey into leadership is developing a realistic appreciation of your own leadership, strengths, weaknesses and ultimate potential. Many people overestimate or underestimate their talents and aptitudes in particular areas, which can lead to certain skills being underused and their full potential not being realised. In fact, learning how to assess own leadership behaviours and potential is a key element of becoming a truly effective leader.
How to assess leadership potential
Any leadership potential assessment will involve a combination of feedback from colleagues and meaningful self-reflection. It’s informed not only by your practical strengths and weaknesses but also by less tangible qualities such as your values and motivations.
Here are some of the key aspects of your personality, skills and perspective that you will need to consider:
Identify your values
What values are important to you as a leader and individual? How do your core beliefs align with effective leadership principles and behaviours?
By identifying your key motivations you will be better able to understand what drives you to succeed both as an individual and within your organisation. Leaders with a clear passion for success and commitment to achieving specific goals tend to be more effective.
Consider Your Interpersonal Skills
Effective communication skills are essential for any leader to convey their vision, build relationships, provide guidance and drive success. Any leadership potential assessment should include an honest evaluation of your communication skills. Other qualities such as empathy are critical for effective leadership, helping you understand and relate to the perspectives of your colleagues.
Proactivity & Accountability
The best leaders are able to take the initiative to develop ideas and drive positive changes. Leaders need to be able to identify and address a range of challenges. They should also be accountable and willing to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. Leaders need to be accountable for both successes and setbacks. Your personal leadership assessment should consider your own willingness to take responsibility as well as the initiative.
Effective leaders are flexible. They’re able to assess the progress of their plans and are willing to change course if required. They’re also able to quickly and calmly respond to emergency situations, new information and changing market dynamics.
Seek Feedback
Anyone looking to assess own leadership behaviours will need to seek honest feedback from their colleagues. A 360-degree feedback can provide a well-rounded view of your leadership skills from a range of perspectives. Encourage honesty and be willing to accept constructive criticism. This could be vital in your journey towards becoming a more effective leader. Honest feedback may highlight particular areas for improvement that you may not previously have noticed.

Unlock your leadership potential with Leadership Success
At Leadership Success, we work with ambitious individuals and companies to help them optimise their leadership talent and achieve their goals.
Our key leadership assessment tools provide critical insight and information into areas of strength and areas that may need further development. These can provide valuable insight and information to help your future development, enabling you and those around you to achieve higher levels of professional performance.
The Leadership Success suite of assessment tools is comprehensive and easy to deploy across leaders and individual contributors.
Contact our experienced friendly team today to find out more.
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